Art: Is there a line when art turns violent?
There is definitely none whatsoever. This issue was raised in Singapore recently when a 21 minute video of British artist Simon Birch beheading a pig was shown in an installation at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, called the Azhanti High Lightning. Gruesome, violent, botched or cruel? No.
It is a bit disturbing for those who go weak at the sight of blood but the majority of this world eat meat. Where does all our steak cuts, pork chops, whole chicken come from? Why make such a big fuss over an artist who is just trying to show us everyday things? He himself is a vegetarian, his friends ate the pig. He was only trying to show his talent and feelings about this subject.
Let's take another art piece then, Liberty Leading the People by Eugene Delacriox. A masterpiece depicting a scene during the time of the french revolution. Many injured and in pain, some with spirits in search of heaven after witnessing their victory. Bloody yes. Point 2,leading them was a woman with her bosom exposed. This art piece with butchered humans, woman's bosom, and is a war scene. It is in the Loft and is highly recognised. Not exactly the Mona Lisa but is worthy to stay in the same building. This artist was showing his feelings and people respected it, why not now?
Just like the impressionist artworks isn't it. Nobody really paid any attention because they stick to the rule book and lounge in cosy chinz chairs while somewhere in this cold world, someone who wants to express his feelings is rejected. Why this line between art? If this sort of video is rejected then I want Damien Hirst's artwork to be under the same list. Along with countless other artists.
Just because someone has never picked up a pencil or brush or camera and done something with it with their senses, it does not give them the license to slander them on tabilods, newspapers or websites. For once just try to think about all the other things happening, the wars, the terrorists. You can make such a big fuss over a little video like that, with factious comments and remarks, just for a pig that even animal lovers eat. But what is happening for things that affect millions of lives, each as precious as your own? Tell me that.
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