Monday, February 4, 2008

Just a little poem I wrote, hope all of you like it. Been to busy lately, I might blog when this whole mess is over.

Spring’s Calling

Awaken Dryads, Awaken Nymphs,
Dance forth lithe and light.
The frost and sprites and imps of snow.
Are now filled with dreadful woe.

See now, look, far to your east,
They flee and fly leaving none the least.
Spread out your branches, your leaves, your roots,
Torrent the waters and call forth the rain.

Awaken Spring, Awaken Souls,
For those who resist will be destroyed a hundredfold.
See the rain, feel the warmth,
Let us celebrate in a dreadful romp.

Spring forth the blades of fresh green grass,
Collect dewdrops and drive off frost.
Awaken the squirrels, who think all is lost,
Preen in the sunshine, show off your beauty.

Awaken Dryads, Awaken Nymphs,
Sing for trout and birds and bees.
Awaken them from their private lairs,
Let them begin their lives afresh.

Hush down Dryads, Hush down Nymphs,
Humans await fast and fleet.
Never show yourself amiss,
For Spring breeds love and friendships,
Never fall for that fateful kiss.

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