Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Music from the Oldies

I'm going crazy with the songs from singers like Kenny Rogers and the Eagles. I am born in the 1990s! Okay, around there anyway. Young enough. I like the song How Long from the Eagles and The Gambler from Kenny Rogers. I've never heard so meaningful lyrics. Lucille and Buy Me a Rose are heartbreaking.
I feel odd. I doubt most youngsters like these songs. They prefer James Blunt and the Pussycat Dolls. Don't see how someone can like repetition in those songs like Umbrella. In all those old songs they have a story behind it. Like Lucille. The girl left a man of a mountain with four children and a crop. Clown of the County is hilarious. Seriously. I don't think any song can make you laugh out loud.
My parents are into it too. It's my dad's era. I am an old person at heart. Old at Heart.

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